An existing culvert near milepost 11.33 is being replaced with a new bridge. This new structure is being constructed one half at a time. Due to limited working space one lane of traffic will be closed for the duration of the project. Traffic will be controlled with 24 hour flagging once bridge construction begins.
The South half of the new structure is substantially complete with traffic now being routed onto the new structure. The final weekend full closure of OR 22 for the project is scheduled this weekend from Friday, October 25 at 7 p.m. until Monday, October 28 at 6 a.m. During the closures traffic will be detoured using US 101 and OR 18.
During this final weekend closure, the contractor will be installing polyester polymer concrete (PPC) over the bridge surface. If an emergency vehicle shows up at the closure, there will likely be a delay to get through. The duration of the delay will depend on the condition of the newly placed PPC at that time and may be up to 30-minutes.
The project is getting close to being completed. The 24-hour flagging will end towards the end of this month. After that, there will likely still be some flagging to complete minor repairs, seeding, and planting. The main items to complete are paving, striping, guardrail, and barrier. Expect minor delays.
As one project nears completion, another one begins …
(Oregon Coast Highway, mileposts 82.74 to 83.08)
The work to be done under this Contract consists of the following:
– Construct roadbed, aggregate base and asphalt concrete pavement.
– Construct concrete curbs and islands.
– Perform earthwork
– Construct Bridge No 22654
– Install drainage, guardrail, pavement markings and signing.
– Reconstruct waterway passage.
– Perform additional and incidental work and called for by the Plans and Specifications
This Project consists of installing temporary widening to accommodate traffic, constructing most of the new bridge, realigning traffic on to the new (partial) structure, demolition of the old structure, channel reconstruction and completion of the new Bridge. There will be 24 hour flagging during the stage construction with pilot cars. Traffic restrictions employing 24 hour flagging may occur beginning:
September 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 and September 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020 between 7:00pm Sunday and 12:00 pm Friday. Except between 12:00 noon preceding a legal holiday or holiday weekend and midnight on a legal holiday or the last day of a holiday weekend except for Thanksgiving, when no lanes may be closed from noon on Wednesday and midnight the following Sunday. Additionally, The Clover’s Day Festival is included as a Special Event which will be regarded as a holiday for this Project.
Single lane traffic will be allowed nightly only:
From July 01, 2020 through August 31, 2020, Sunday night through Friday morning between 5:00 pm and 11:00 am.
The Wayside will be closed for stages of construction and will be signed with the closure dates two weeks prior to being closed. Installation of temporary signs signs is anticipated to begin the first week of October, 2019. Site work is anticipated to begin mid to late October, 2019.