From Dan Goody, Oregon Department of Forestry, Astoria District Forester
Northwest Oregon Forest Protective Association (Astoria, Forest Grove, and Tillamook Districts) will be entering into fire season on Wednesday, June 14th at 0100. At the same time, we will be entering into our public use restrictions. We will be at an IFPL 1 across the Association in zones NW-1, NW-2, and NW-3. Public Use restrictions and IFPL restrictions are the same as last year.
Below are today’s ERC (Energy Release Component) thresholds indicating that we are well ahead of schedule, with 25+ days of no measurable precipitation locally and none showing in the 10-day forecast. We are typically not at these fire indices until after the 4th of July holiday. There have been numerous fires in the NWOFPA over the last two weeks on ODF protection.
For the forest operator and landowner community, please get your fire equipment on site ASAP to allow time to be inspected and be fire ready.
CLICK for interactive link to ODF Map.

We are continuing a text service that will cover the Forest Grove, Tillamook, and Astoria Districts for real time Fire Season information such as IFPLs, Fire Danger Levels and Public Use Restrictions. To subscribe text NWOA to phone number 877-274-4067. To unsubscribe at any time, text STOP to the same number. You should get this message in return: Welcome to the NWOA text subscription For ODF – Forest Grove, Tillamook and Astoria Districts.