Columbia River subarea (Leadbetter Pt., WA to Cape Falcon, OR):
Anglers have the opportunity to harvest Pacific halibut at all-depths August 22 through September 3 and September 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, and 29. The nearshore fishery remains open Monday–Wednesday of each week. This subarea will close on September 30 or when quota is attained. The daily bag limit is one Pacific halibut.
Central Oregon Coast subarea (Cape Falcon to Humbug Mt.):
The Central Oregon Coast subarea summer all-depth fishery will open on August 1, seven days per week. This fishery will remain open at all-depths until October 31 or when quota is attained. The daily bag limit is two Pacific halibut. The Central Oregon Coast subarea has greater than 50% of the original quota allocation remaining. Poor weather conditions and smaller halibut sizes during the spring all-depth season have resulted in low quota attainment. Adding days will give anglers additional opportunity to harvest the halibut allocation.
Southern Oregon subarea (Humbug Mt. to OR/CA boarder):
The all-depth halibut fishery remains open, seven days per week, until October 31 or when quota is attained. The daily bag limit is two Pacific halibut. This subarea has a little over 75% of the allocation remaining.
For additional information see the ODFW recreational halibut webpage:
For more info on tagging halibut and salmon, see: