The Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation is seeking a new member for the Oregon Recreational Trails Advisory Committee (ORTAC). ORTAC is a seven seat committee whose members are appointed by the Oregon State Parks Commission to designate Scenic and Regional Trails around the state and to advise the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department on new trail development and the Statewide Trails Plan. ORTAC membership includes two representatives from separate counties bordering the coast. This recruitment is specifically for a coastal representative who resides in a County other than Lincoln County.
Time commitment includes attending quarterly meetings held at different locations around the state. These meetings are our primary means of sharing and hearing from local trail groups and land managers about recreation trail systems and opportunities. This information can include upcoming grant opportunities, SCORP and Statewide Trails Plan updates, and information about other trails-related initiatives from around the state.
If you are interested or know someone who would be a great fit, interest forms are due by June 1, 2018. Qualified candidates must submit an appointment interest form by June 1. The form is available online:
ORTAC advises OPRD and its allies on subjects related to the development and promotion of high quality, non-motorized recreational trail systems throughout Oregon. The council strives to create safe, sustainable trails for the well-being and enjoyment of Oregon’s residents and visitors.
Council members are appointed by the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission and serve four-year terms. The seven-member council has representation from each congressional district, with at least two members from separate counties bordering the coast. ORTAC conducts four public meetings per year.
In addition to advising OPRD, council members are responsible for reviewing applications for state trail designations, representing ORTAC on a variety of other trail-related committees and helping develop the 10-year statewide Trails Plan.
For more information about serving on ORTAC, contact David Stipe at 503-509-4752 or