Are you enrolled in Oregon Health Plan and eligible for a vaccine? You may qualify for transportation to vaccine clinics.
After getting an appointment for vaccination, you may be wondering how to get to the clinic.
If you are enrolled in Oregon Health Plan (OHP) either with a Coordinated Care Organization (CCO) managed-care plan or under an OHP Open Card (fee for service) plan, you can use Non-Emergent Medical Transportation (NEMT) to get to a clinic and get back home.
Here is a map of NEMT brokerages. Call the brokerages directly to schedule a ride.
If you are an older adult or an adult with a physical disability, there may also be other services in your community to assist with transportation. To learn more:
- Contact the Aging and Disability Resource Connection of Oregon (ADRC) to see what community-based transportation and other servicesare available to assist you.
- If you receive in-home services through the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Office of Aging and People with Disabilities (APD), you may ask your Medicaid-funded in-home provider to take you to a clinic and to wait with you at the clinic.