(Tillamook, Ore.) — “After months of delays and bad faith bargaining, Tillamook School District is now refusing to meet legal obligations to contractually guarantee classified staff Just Cause for termination and access to relevant portions of education and behavior plans. Our classified staff deserve, at the very least, a contract that affords them the protections they’re legally entitled to,” said Kau’i Woolfolk, Tillamook Chapter 28 President.
OSEA Tillamook Chapter 28 began bargaining with the school district in February, 2024. Currently, the chapter and the district are in mediation, the next date of which was supposed to be Thursday, Oct. 17th. But yet again, the district has asked to move the date.
Enough is enough. Tillamook Chapter 28 and supporters will be holding an informational picket and rally at 4 p.m. at East Elementary 3905 Alder Ln., prior to the district board meeting. OSEA President Sarah Wofford and area leaders will join Chapter 28 on the picket line as they fight for a fair contract.
Astoria City Councilor Andy Davis, candidate for House District 32, said he is eager to see the Tillamook School District return to the bargaining table in good faith with a proposal that gives classified educators their legal rights.
“OSEA represented employees are the backbone support of our local school systems. I encourage Tillamook School District to return to the bargaining table in good faith with a proposal that respects these classified educators and their legal rights,” Davis said.