Oregon Shores’ CoastWatch is happy to welcome coastal ecologist Stewart Schultz back this summer for three events in Nehalem this August. Dr. Schultz, author of The Northwest Coast: A Natural History, will lead walking explorations in two different environments of Nehalem Bay and host a dinner and discussion. Participants will come away with a new understanding of Nehalem Bay’s plants and animals and the role the tides play. Any Oregon teachers participating can use these events as PDUs.
On Thursday, August 3rd, the walk will focus on the salt marsh. That night, the dinner and discussion will occur at the North County Recreation District, focusing on Nehalem Bay, climate change, and tides. On Friday, we will focus on the intertidal estuary.
Space is limited! Please use the following links to register for each event separately.
August 3rd, Salt Marsh Walk: Walk begins at 8 a.m. at the end of Bayside Gardens Road in Nehalem. Parking is extremely limited onsite, so a carpool/shuttle is available. $35
August 3rd, Dinner and Discussion: North County Recreation District (36155 9th Street in Nehalem), $25
August 4th, Intertidal Estuary Walk: Walk begins at 9 a.m. at the Nehalem Bay State Park Boat Launch. A day pass is required to park. $35

Dr. Schultz is a leading expert on the coastal ecology of the Pacific Northwest. He has extensive experience studying the Oregon coast, making him a knowledgeable guide of the shoreline environment. An Oregonian who grew up playing on the shore near Gearhart, he went to Reed College and obtained his doctorate in botany from the University of British Columbia. He worked on the Oregon coast for the Nature Conservancy, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He gained wide field experience before pursuing an academic career as a professor at the University of Miami and now at the University of Zadar in Croatia. During the academic year, he studies marine ecology and his specialty of plant evolution and genetics. Still, he returns to the Oregon coast every summer to teach shoreline science.
Through Oregon Shores’ CoastWatch program, volunteers adopt mile-long segments of Oregon’s coast. They report natural changes and human-induced impacts that shape the coastline. As they observe their mile, they learn about the plants and animals of the rocky intertidal areas, sandy beaches, and Oregon dunes. Volunteers also participate in community science projects. To adopt a mile or learn more about the program, visit our website.
For questions about the event or the CoastWatch program, contact Jesse Jones, the CoastWatch Program Coordinator (jesse@oregonshores.org).
About Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition:
Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and conserving Oregon’s coastal ecosystems and communities. Oregon Shores’ tradition of environmental stewardship empowers citizens through education and conservation action to learn about, enjoy, and defend the Oregon coast.