Meet the new graduates of the OSU Tillamook County Master Gardener Class of 2023. Pictured (left to right) Ken Poblador-Weeks, Christine Inglis, Darcy Thornes, Erin Durkin and Teddy Arm. Not pictured Sharon Brown.
This small but mighty group finished the “in-person class” on Thursday, March 23, 2023. Participants studied subjects such as botany, plant pathology, entomology, soils and soil amendments, understanding pesticides, vegetable gardening and all about coastal gardening including native plants and weeds. They are excited to put their newfound knowledge into practice solving your gardening problems.
The Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener™ program educates Oregonians about the art and science of growing and caring for plants. We are in 27 counties across the state, and train thousands of Master Gardener volunteers. OSU Extension Master Gardeners are volunteer educators, neighbors, and on-the-ground researchers who serve their community with solid training in science-based, sustainable gardening and a love of lifelong learning.
For more information, contact the OSU Extension Service at 4506 Third Street in Tillamook, 503-842-3433,

Durkin and Teddy Arm. Not pictured Sharon Brown.