Gordon McCraw was recently recognized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) during their Weather Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador Recognition Campaign. The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ initiative is the National Oceanic and…
QUESTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES #5 in series: State Representative, 32nd District
The Tillamook County Pioneer sent five questions to Tillamook County candidates for State Representative for House District 10 (south Tillamook County); House District 32 (Central/north Tillamook County); Tillamook County Board of Commissioners;…
Support for Mary Faith Bell
I am supporting Mary Faith Bell for County Commissioner. Her resume is well known so I will mention only my personal experience with her. I am voting for Mary Faith because of…
OBITUARY: Timothy E. Beach Sr. (1952 – 2018)
On Monday October 8, Timothy E Beach Sr, loving husband, father, grandfather and a friend to many passed away in Tillamook at the age of 66. Tim served 4 years in the…
Re-elect Barbara Trout for Tillamook PUD
North County voters have been well-served by Barbara Trout’s tenure on the Tillamook PUD board. She is hard-working and thoughtful and keeps the interests of our communities in mind while making important…
ODFW Needs Your Ideas to Help with Management of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve – Forums in Manzanita, Seaside & Garibaldi
The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) is seeking input and ideas from North Coast locals on how ODFW can best share information and engage communities input as part of management…
QUESTIONS FOR THE CANDIDATES #4 in series: State Representative, 32nd District
The Tillamook County Pioneer sent five questions to Tillamook County candidates for State Representative for House District 10 (south Tillamook County); House District 32 (Central/north Tillamook County); Tillamook County Board of Commissioners;…
Mary Faith Bell for Tillamook County Commissioner
We support Mary Faith Bell for the position of Tillamook County Commissioner. Mary Faith demonstrates the best in local politics. She thoroughly understands the challenges that Tillamook County faces. Her approach to…
QUESTIONS FOR CANDIDATES #3 in series: State Representative, 32nd District
The Tillamook County Pioneer sent five questions to Tillamook County candidates for State Representative for House District 10 (south Tillamook County); House District 32 (Central/north Tillamook County); Tillamook County Board of Commissioners;…
Support for Mary Faith Bell for County Commissioner
I am writing in support of Mary Faith Bell for County Commissioner. She has demonstrated over and over her devotion to our county and its residents. She has not accepted outrageous and…