Amazing array of local gift certificates and great prizes – raffle to benefit Brian and Kate Johnstone who lost everything in a house fire last month. Raffle continue through the week –…
FREE event – Cyber Security Discussion Panel Tuesday, Nov. 7
Want to know more about Cyber Security and how to fend off threats? We’ve got that for you! The Tillamook Small Business Development Center, in collaboration with Technology Association of Oregon through…
By Gus Meyer, Tillamook Tillamook County’s Coastal range of mountains has a limited prevalence of fluvial plains. (NOTE: fluvial process: The physical interaction of flowing water and the natural channels of mountains…
The Littoral Life: Whatever Floats Your Goat
By Dan Haag As the calendar turned to November, a magical switch flipped and the weather became painfully familiar. Rain and wind kept us inside most of the first few days after…
BY EXTENSION: Have nutritionists gotten it wrong on fats and carbs?
by Jessica Linnell, PhD, Assistant Professor (Practice), Family & Community Health, OSU Extension Have you ever wondered, “Why do nutrition scientists change their minds so much?” One that comes to mind is…
Nehalem Bay Garden Club announces charitable giving program
The Nehalem Bay Garden Club will be accepting proposals for its 2018 gift program now through December 11, 2017. Proposals should be submitted to the Club at PO Box 261, Wheeler, OR…
LETTER TO EDITOR: We Need Housing, Not False Hope.
I will preface this letter by saying that I have no immediate plans to build a home or rental property within Tillamook County. I will also say that I’m about as liberal…
Letter to the Editor — Please support the “Construction Excise Tax”
I have given the issue of affordable housing in Tillamook County considerable thought and investigation. I participated in the County’s Housing Task Force and have attended meetings throughout Tillamook County about this…
Tillamook County Master Gardeners Offer Dahlia Dividing Workshop Nov. 9
Join the Tillamook County Master Gardeners for a dahlia dividing workshop on November 9 from 9 am to noon at the Master Gardener Learning Garden Hoop House at the Tillamook Fairgrounds. You…
Hall-O-Nita – Manzanita Merchants Halloween Events
Halloween 2017 – Downtown Manzanita hosted dinosaurs, super heroes, ghouls, unicorns, marshmallows and more under glorious sunny skies … …