By Amy Schmid, Administrative Program Specialist, OSU Extension Service, Tillamook County During the last week of June, nine Tillamook 4-H members joined almost 500 other 4-H members from around the state of…
FACT Oregon Family Networking Events on the North Oregon Coast
Here on the North Coast, FACT Oregon will be hosting several events designed for families raising children with a disability, their siblings, and friends. FACT Oregon is a nonprofit whose mission is…
New La Tea Da owners keep the emphasis on all things tea
By Sayde Moser-Walker Rarely is a business partnership also a match made in heaven. This may be the exception. Glenda Tonski and Belinda Williams are mother and daughter, and as of the…
Highway 101/6 Project Update – July 31
Hello Tillamook, Chief Terry Wright sent out this Press Release, which lines out the upcoming big traffic changes nicely: TO: All Community Members, Partners and Businesses FROM: Chief Terry Wright RE: Phase…
Flashback to the 80s for this year’s Moonlight Madness Friday Aug. 4th
By Sayde Moser-Walker For the last several weeks, Chella Herder’s living room has been taken over by neatly stacked boxes – all the same size, all painted bright colors. “I’m assembling a…
Drew’s Reviews: Spider-Man Homecoming Spoiler — With Great Power, Comes Little Character Development
By Andrew Jenck I understand why you may like Spider-Man: Homecoming; it’s entertaining, has a great cast, and is one of the better films this summer. As a longtime Spider-Man fan, though,…
Coast Guard aids mariner after vessel hits object, sinks off southern Washington coast
WARRENTON, Ore. — Coast Guard crews aided a 67-year-old mariner after his yacht collided with an unknown object and sank 9 miles off Leadbetter Point State Park, Washington, Friday, July 28th. An…
Back to the Drawing Board for Village at Manzanita
By Laura Swanson, Editor, Tillamook County Pioneer “We are, of course, disappointed that the Manzanita Planning Commission and area residents couldn’t see the positives of a planned development,” commented Rick Hinkes of…
Herbal Delights
By Karen Keltz, Oregon State University Master Gardener I recently harvested and dried lemon balm and chamomile from my herb garden. Herbs have started coming on now, so this is an alert…
HEADS UP! ODF plans extensive chemical spraying on state lands across the North Coast
ROCKAWAY BEACH, OREGON July 26, 2017 – The public forests of Oregon’s North Coast are scheduled to be aerially sprayed sometime before August 31, 2017. Spraying will potentially impact campsites, trails, and…