by Neal Lemery I found myself in the heart of the richness of my community’s life the other day. Tillamook High School charity drive students were handing out checks to a wide…
The Future of The Wave – Re-elect Jim Huffman
The Tillamook County Transportation District, a.k.a. The Wave, is one of the best examples of a high-quality, reputable, efficient organization serving and benefitting Tillamook County. The TCTD operates in a manner that…
PUBLIC NOTICE: NorthWest Senior & Disability Services Budget Committee May 14 in Salem
A public meeting of the Budget Committee of NorthWest Senior & Disability Services, serving Clatsop, Marion, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill counties in the State of Oregon will be held on Tuesday, May…
Hoffman Center to Screen New Documentary “Art & Mind” May 17th
The Hoffman Center for the Arts in Manzanita will screen the 2019 UK art documentary “Art & Mind,” written and directed by Amerlie Ravalec, Friday, May 17 at 7:30 p.m. The film…
The secrets to successful (spectacular) salads
By Dana Zia, The Golightly Gourmet “For me, making a salad is as much as a joy as eating one.” -Alice Waters This is the time of year that I crave salads….
Oregon Coast Trail Party – Cape Falcon – May 1st
Come join Trailkeepers of Oregon as we continue work on the Oregon Coast Trail at Oswald West State Park! With your help we’ll be doing brushing, user trail decommissioning, and tread work…
ASTROLOGY: Saturn Retrograde – Buckle up Buttercups, things are going to get real here! (4/29/19)
By Madame Dana Zia Saturn in the responsible sign of Capricorn is stationing and going retrograde and won’t go direct till October 1. He joins Jupiter that went retrograde on the 10th…
Rockaway Beach Police Looking for Info. About Hit-and-Run Crash Sunday April 28th
The Rockaway Beach Police are looking for any information on a hit-and-run crash that occurred between 9 pm and 9:40 pm on Sunday April 28th in the 400 block of South Anchor…
Rockaway Beach Volunteers in Police Service Has Volunteer Openings
Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) is a volunteer organization committed to assisting the Rockaway Beach Police Department in enhancing community safety by uniting volunteers and police department staff to accomplish the following:…
Tillamook County Master Gardener Association Annual Plant Sale Saturday May 4th
The Tillamook County Master Gardeners Association Annual Plant Sale is Saturday, May 4 at the Tillamook County Fairgrounds 4-H/FFA Livestock Pavilion. Doors open at 9 a.m. and will close at 1 p.m….