The annual AAUW Wine and Chocolate Affaire will be held on Sunday, April 28th from 2-5 p.m. at Pacific Restaurant. This fun-filled afternoon event features delicious appetizers and sweet treats, complimentary wine…
Public welcome at annual memorial gathering at Circle Creek in Seaside Saturday April 27th
Each year the staff, board, and volunteers of North Coast Land Conservancy gather in the memorial grove at NCLC’s Circle Creek Conservation Center for a program called The Forest Remembers, honoring friends…
The meeting will be held at Tillamook PUD in the Carl Rawe Meeting Room located at 1115 Pacific Avenue, Tillamook, OR 97141 The Tillamook People’s Utility District Board of Directors will conduct…
Tillamook High School Science Research Students win state awards, Sam Hooley chosen to represent Oregon at the International Science and Engineering Fair in May
2019 Northwest Science Exposition (NWSE) results: Sam Hooley: Historic Spatial Arrangement and Potential Fire and Disease Reduction in Coastal Forests 1st place in State; Plant Sciences Selected for Best of Fair –…
Diane Gibson Turns 70!! May 7, 2019
So, Diane and friends say, “Let’s eat, drink and be merry!” and celebrate Diane. Celebration One: No-Host Dinner at Bread and Ocean Celebration Two: After Party at the San Dune Pub Join…
Rockaway Beach Police Department Honors David Elkins with Volunteer of Year Award
On Saturday April 20, 2019 the Rockaway Beach Police Department hosted its annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. For twelve years, the Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) have given countless hours of their own…
Tillamook County lost 10 percent of its farmland in just 5 years; Oregon legislators need to step up and help save our farms
New data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture show that 340,000 acres fell out of agricultural production in Oregon from 2012-2017, more than three times the number of acres lost from 2007-2012…
Beaverton students qualify for international robotics contest in Tennessee; Tillamook team places third
By Tracy Crews and Tiffany Woods, Oregon Sea Grant Program BEAVERTON, Ore. – Students from Valor Christian School International in Beaverton have qualified for an international underwater robotics competition in Tennessee after…
Over 100 years of the Girl Scout Difference: Tillamook Troop Formation Information Meeting May 8th
By Karen Walz As a lifetime girl scout, I wanted to highlight and celebrate these dedicated young women in Tillamook County, who work to make the world a better place and enhance…
Annual Plant Sale at Alder Creek Farm Sat. April 27th
Lower Nehalem Community Trust’s ever popular annual plant sale is coming – THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 27th from 9 am to 1 pm. Always the last Saturday of April, this has become a…