-Virginia Prowell 12-16-2018
If I could paint a picture of our December celebrations
It would have to be in a collage formation.
In the very center I’d place the reason for this great occasion
A Blessed Nativity Scene a Holy creation.
All around, children are watching a parade with Santa in the lead.
Storefronts are festively displaying everything you need.
Streets are aglow with bright colored lights.
Shoppers are scurrying around, left and right.

For the most innovative and colorful decorating.
Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph and his reindeer
Are definite favorites this time of the year.
Down at the public square in the middle of the town
Lighting of the giant Christmas tree brings a big crowd.
Carolers rising voices fill the air all around
“Hark the Herald Angles Sing” and “Joy to the World.