By Virginia Carrell Prowell (10-27-19)
It’s the last week of October, what does that mean?
Let’s look at the possibilities of fun and dreams.
I was on my way to meet some friends on a bright October day
When suddenly there appeared before my eyes a ghostly, creepy stray.
I jumped with horror as it growled and snarled and came my way
Suddenly and without warning a huge black cat chased the menace away.
“Come here, nice kitty”, I called to my hero of the hour
“You saved me from being injured and maybe even devoured.”
To my surprise my hero of the hour turned into a grotesque monster
Its claw-like hands dangling from shapeless arms, grabbed my hair.
I screamed and yelled and fought and cried, what are you, who are you
Why do you save me then attack me like a weird creature of the Voodoo?
It spoke no words, but screeched and howled,
It jumped and jumped and danced around and around.
Twirling, screeching, dancing so incredibly fast, it finally fell to the ground
I watched with awe, I couldn’t believe my eyes, look what I’ve just found?
I found the spirit of the month of October; its Halloween time as you know.
Don your black hat, your ghostly attire, and let the jack-o-lanterns glow!