EDITOR’S NOTE: I was going to post a public safety message about traffic and being careful out there, then this poem from Neal popped up … A beautiful arrangement of words with a simple message. So it comes with a reminder that we are in “no-left-turn” season, ie. crowded roads and lots of visitors unfamiliar with our communities. So plan accordingly – Allow extra time, take deep calming breaths, and remember to enjoy the little things. We truly are here for only a moment…. Thanks for sharing, Neal.
By Neal Lemery
The friend apologetic, running late
I was already almost there, saying I’d wait outside.
No worries. I had the time — maybe I should actually take it.
Empty picnic table, ocean view, sunny June day, nothing truly urgent —
Just be, just enjoy, just to be present,
To catch my own breath, experience the
We are here only for an instant, often
Running, forgetting to watch
The waves build, break, to come again,
Endless rhythm, dependable
Soothing and calm.
I learn to wait, to simply be
To just experience, feeling the calm, the
Energy of the day, of the eternal waves
Running up the beach, sparkling in the sun,
In the moment.
—Neal Lemery 6/11/2023

Books: NEW book – BE THE CHANGE – One Random Act of Kindness at a Time; Neal’s other books include: Building Community: Rural Voices for Hope and Change; Finding My Muse on Main Street, Homegrown Tomatoes, and Mentoring Boys to Men