By Jan Boal, RN
I facilitate women’s workshops. The focus is on empowerment by way of recognizing fear, whether real or perceived. Empowering women is not meant as a way to strike discord against men. We all know the history of women’s plight over the centuries to be seen, heard, respected and valued. The plight continues, two steps forward, one step back…okay maybe two steps back recently.
Enduring the social, cultural, religious and political oppression has trickle down effects, fear of ourselves as women. Self-doubt, fear of speaking up or against as we will surely be crucified and humiliated.
This has improved some but still we have a long way to go. We can rise up and support one another as this is what we do best. What we have learned in order to survive in a world that constantly tells us “NO.”
It has been a long slow journey since the day we received the right to vote on June 4th 1919, just over a hundred years ago. We get pushed down, literally and figuratively, blocked, belittled, sexually harassed, called names, told “women lie ” when we do use our voice to speak up against injustices to keep us harnessed in fear. And yet, we continue to stand back up, become educated, unite, fight back in the courts, political arenas and the woman’s marches. Now, we have a woman of color who is the Vice President of the United States. We persevere.
AAUW – American Association of University Women was established in 1881. A group of female college graduates banded together to open the doors for women’s career advancement and to encourage more women to pursue higher education. To be a voice and advocate for change. Like I said, a long slow journey. AAUW of Oregon was instrumental in the passing of the Equal Pay Rights! Tillamook has a very active branch and has raised thousands of dollars to provide educational scholarships for young women.
Discrimination, sexualized behaviors, oppression and lack of support wears on one’s psyche and this is passed on over the generations. To where women will second guess themselves, becoming timid, passive, fearful of reproach, fearful to go after their passions, goals and dreams.
I facilitate women’s Empowerment Workshops because I know and understand the obstacle and blocks that women day to day. I understand the psychology of fear and I want to erase this word from a woman’s vocabulary. Through empowerment women make better choices…for themselves, and in whatever roles she plays in her life. To know she is worthy, her voice is strong and to stand in her truth.
Join Jan July 8th and 9th at her new healing center for a two-day workshop “Unveil and Embrace Your Souful Warrior”. Connect to yoru personal Truth and achieve your goals without feaer. Recognize limiting illusions and obstacles, so that you can live in an authentic, loving and conscious way of life. This workshop is limited to 10 participants.
For more information, contact Jan via email; find out more about Positive Vibes Holistic Care at