Thanks to everyone who attended the Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce’s Business TALKS Candidate Forum on Monday night, with all six of the candidates for the Tillamook County Commissioner position. Those in attendance had great comments about a variety of economic development concerns, and it is just the beginning of some great dialogue.
Here is a video clip from Monday’s forum:
There are many forums coming up, to be held throughout Tillamook County:
4/14 Oceanside Community Center 1 pm
4/15 Bay City Arts Center 12:30pm
4/17 AAUW Candidate Forum at Tillamook Bay Community College, Tillamook 5:30pm
4/18 South County Forum at Kiawanda Community Center, Pacific City 6 pm
4/25 North County Forum at Pine Grove Community House, Manzanita 5 pm
The Tillamook County Pioneer has also sent a series of questions to the BOC candidates as many people are unable to make it to the forums. It is important for voters to truly “get to know” the candidates so they can make informed decisions about the best person for the position. Watch for the candidates responses next week.
Candidate Forum Set for North County Apr. 25
The six candidates vying for the one open seat on the Tillamook County Commission will participate in a candidate forum on Wednesday, April 25 at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita.
Candidates for the state legislative seat being vacated by District 32 Rep. Deborah Boone have also been invited to the event and two have indicated they will participate. The forums will begin at 5:30 p.m. and end at 7:30 p.m. It will include comments from the candidates, questions from the moderator and from the audience.
The forum is free and open to the public and is being organized by an ad hoc committee of local residents. Peter Newman of Neahkahnie will serve as moderator.
Oregon registered voters will begin receiving mail ballots for the May 15 primary at about the time of the forum so it will be a timely opportunity to hear directly from local candidates.
The Candidate Forum Host Committee consists of Craig Nern, Mary Roberts, Susan Tone, Tom Mock, Tom Ayers, Kathie Hightower, and Marc. C. Johnson