Transportation Advisory Committee Applicant Review Committee
Tuesday, September 14, 2021 @ 5:30pm
Agenda items will include a review of staff recommendations for TAC appointments, discussion of applicants, and committee recommendations for TAC appointments.
Participants are welcome to join this meeting virtually.
To attend by phone, please dial: +1 (253) 215-8782
Meeting ID: 882 8954 2931 Phone Passcode: 953591
To attend virtually, please use the link below and enter meeting passcode 953591
Meetings are held at the Transportation Building located at 3600 Third Street, Tillamook unless otherwise indicated. Persons requiring physical or visual accommodations or who would like a copy of the meeting agenda may contact the District office at (503) 815-8283 before noon, meeting day. Agendas are also available on the District website at