Letter of support for Marc Johnson, Nehalem Bay Health District
There are some election choices that are clear from the start, and that’s the case with the re-election of Marc Johnson to the board of the Nehalem Bay Health District.
There’s no particular need for me to review Marc’s well-known qualifications. They speak for themselves: Board President of the Health District, President of the North Tillamook Library Board, active worker for all sorts of essential organizations, including EVCNB. It was Marc who, in partnership with Senators Wyden and Merkley, secured $3 million in federal funding to help build a new health care center and pharmacy, renovate the long-term skilled nursing facility, and plan for workforce housing.
And Marc Johnson has been at the center of all this. It makes sense to keep him at this center while these visionary goals are being realized. I know Marc to be clear-sighted, collegial, persistent, courageous, and utterly committed to bringing the best possible health care to all people in the Nehalem Bay community.
No more needs to be said. We will re-elect Marc Johnson. It’s just common sense.
Liz Cole