To the editor:
This May, voters living in the Nehalem Bay Health District (NBHD) have the opportunity to re-elect Marc Johnson to the District’s board, which he currently chairs. I urge voters to retain his strategic, visionary leadership as the District seeks to improve and expand local health care options.
As board chair of the Nehalem Bay Health Center & Pharmacy (formerly the Rinehart Clinic), I have had the good fortune to see Marc’s work up close. He has skillfully brought together an array of community partners and stakeholders on a plan that will build a new primary care health center for our area, substantially upgrade our existing nursing care center, and pave the way for the development of affordable housing for health care workers.
Throughout this process, Marc has found ways to maximize opportunities and overcome obstacles. He has worked with Democratic lawmakers in DC and Republican lawmakers in Salem to promote the project and secure funding. He’s one of those guys who seems to have all the answers, but who is smart enough to keep asking good questions and reaching out to others for their input.
Please re-elect Marc Johnson to the board of the Nehalem Bay Health District.
Jerry Spegman, Manzanita