North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection and the Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition are honored to host a special webinar with author and legal theorist Mary Cristina Wood of the University of Oregon School of Law. Professor Wood, the Founding Director of the school’s nationally-acclaimed Environmental and Natural Resources Law Center. She will speak on “Reclaiming Our Public Trust Rights.” The Zoom webinar, free and open to all, takes place on Monday, Oct. 17, at 6:00 pm PT.
To register for the event, go to online talk or at
The extractive practices of industrial logging — including short rotations, clearcutting, and pesticide spraying — have already wreaked havoc on the once-great forests, waters, and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest, as well as the health of too many community members. This is unjust, since water and air rightfully belong to us, the people of the community. They are part of the public trust, as Professor Wood detailed in a recent talk given at Lewis & Clark College , “Nature’s Trust: Protecting an Ecological Endowment for Posterity.” On October 17, she will go into more detail as to how the public
trust doctrine can relate to saving our drinking-watersheds from devastation caused by industrial forestry practices. Mary is currently engaged with a research team applying the public trust paradigm to Oregon forestlands. This effort aims to empower citizens with principles to hold the government
accountable for protecting the forest legacy of our state.
Mary Wood is an award-winning professor and the co-author of leading textbooks on public trust law and natural resources law. Her book, “Nature’s Trust: Environmental Law for a New Ecological Age” (Cambridge University Press), sets forth a new paradigm of global ecological responsibility. She originated the legal approach called Atmospheric Trust Litigation, now being used in cases brought on behalf of youth throughout the world, seeking to hold governments accountable to reduce carbon pollution within their jurisdictions. She has developed a corresponding approach called Atmospheric Recovery Litigation, which would hold fossil fuel companies responsible for funding an Atmospheric Recovery Plan to draw down excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere using natural climate solutions.
Professor Wood is a frequent speaker on climate issues and has received national and international attention for her sovereign trust approach to global climate policy.
We look forward to seeing you on October 17 at 6:00 pm. You can register for this zoom event at online talk or at
For more information, contact rockawaycitizen.water@gmail.
North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection is a grassroots group of concerned citizens advocating for no more logging and no more pesticide spraying near our coastal drinking watersheds, regardless of land ownership. You can sign our petition https://petitions.sumofus.
Oregon Shores is a 50-year-old organization that works to protect all aspects of the coastal environment, including its forests and water quality. To learn more, go to