The Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay will host a presentation by American Red Cross Disaster Program Manager Victor Magana, Tuesday, July 27 at 6 p.m. at the Calvary Bible Church in Manzanita.
The public is invited to attend the two-hour presentation and learn about the Red Cross Volunteer Program and opportunities for local, regional, or national deployment.
Magana will also discuss how Red Cross volunteers can benefit their own communities with additional training in the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), and/or Shelter Operations skills. All three programs are part of the Emergency Volunteer Corps.
Integration of any or all of these added skills with Red Cross support will be invaluable in a real emergency.
Registration for the presentation can be done online at
Information on EVCNB skill training is available from Velda Handler, RN (Shelters, MRC) at (503) 812-4491; Jo Cooper (CERT) at (503) 801-1968; or Karen Sarnaker (Emergency Comms.) at (240) 727-3127.