Adventist Health Tillamook has taken a new step to reduce the risk of diabetic complications in Tillamook County. The Rinehart Clinic and Tillamook County Community Health Centers each have received a Welch Allyn RetinaVue eye imager that was donated through the medical center’s community benefit program to aid in the early detection of diabetic retinopathy.
Diabetic retinopathy is a disease that damages the blood vessels of the eye’s retina. The National Eye Institute estimates 40 to 45 percent of people with diabetes develop some amount of diabetic retinopathy. Because early stages of the disease often have no symptoms, only about half of sufferers are aware they have the condition. Early detection and treatment decreases reduces the risk of blindness by 95%.
With the medical center’s donation, combined with the RetinaVue units already in Adventist Health Tillamook clinics, Tillamook residents have easy access to retinopathy screening in their primary care office.
Nearly 12 percent of residents in Tillamook County have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Many more are not yet diagnosed or are at risk of developing the disease, including an increasing number of young people. This means a large number of the county’s residents are at risk of diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to blindness if undiagnosed and untreated.
Community benefit donations like this are one way that Adventist Health lives out its mission of healing and hope. “Our mission is to live God’s love by inspiring health, wholeness and hope. What better way to inspire wholeness than to help diabetic patients get early detection of eye disease, which in turn gives them the best chance of preventing blindness?” says David Butler, Adventist Health Tillamook president.
Adventist Health is a faith-based, nonprofit integrated health system serving more than 75 communities in California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. Our workforce of 32,900 includes more than 23,600 employees; nearly 5,000 medical staff physicians; and 4,350 volunteers. Founded on Seventh-day Adventist heritage and values, Adventist Health provides compassionate care in 20 hospitals, more than 260 clinics (hospital-based, rural health and physician clinics), 15 home care agencies, seven hospice agencies and four joint-venture retirement centers. In addition, the Adventist Health Plan serves patients in Kings County. Visit for more information.