The Tillamook County Pioneer agreed to again this year organize and moderate Candidates Forums for Rockaway Beach that are nonpartisan, fair and independent. Since there are so many candidates, there will be two forums – one for candidates for Mayor on Friday October 11th, and one for Councilor Candidates on Wednesday October 16th. The forums will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at Rockaway Beach Resort’s conference room and a Zoom option will be available. Please notify us if you have mobility concerns about accessing the conference room.
Questions will be submitted in advance to and selected randomly at the Forums. If time allows, additional questions may be taken from the audience. We suggest submitting your questions in advance to ensure that it’s included in the forum.
At this time, we have confirmed attendance from 2 of the 3 mayoral candidates, and 8 of the 9 city council candidates.
The forum will be moderated by AAUW and Tillamook County Pioneer editor Laura Swanson.
We appreciate everyone’s cooperation to adjust schedules and attend on these dates. We look forward to the opportunity to provide the community and voters with informative forums.
PUBLIC NOTICE: A quorum of the Rockaway Beach City Council may be present at the Candidates Forums on Oct. 11 and Oct. 16, but members of the council will not be discussing, deliberating, or making decisions about the City of Rockaway Beach. The purpose of the forums is strictly to inform the community about the candidates.