EDITOR’S NOTE: There has been some information about the potential impacts to local government budgets because of reduced timber harvests, and the “Habitat Conservation Plan.” De ja vu’ … I’ve been hearing this for 50 years. And the sky is falling! Why are we still funding government services with our forests? I can recall my Dad saying in the 80’s when timber harvests were severely reduced for a variety of reasons that the local governments needed to stop relying on the timber harvests to pay for needed government services. It would seem that we are here again, but don’t believe everything you read on the Internet – check the sources. The Oregon Department of Forestry is working diligently to provide balance to the management of our state forests for the benefit of all, and the process has been transparent, including much public comment and input. Social media feeds are filling with scare tactic messaging that warn of the loss of healthcare, schools, fire departments and more, oh my! The state is aware that something innovative needs to be done and Senate Bill 90 creates a task force to find other sources of revenue to stablize funding for counties that have depended upon timber harvests.
The hearing on SB 90 will be held on Monday, February 27 between 8:00 a.m. and 10 a.m. SB 90 would create a task force to identify alternative revenue sources to supplement funding to counties and taxing districts when state forest timber revenues fluctuate. There is only placeholder language in the bill now. Amendments should be posted in the next couple of days.

Also on Monday February 27th is a hearing on SB 795, a bill allowing counties to take over ownership and management of state forests. This bill would essentially legislate the failed Linn Co. v. Oregon lawsuit. Here are links to sign up to testify and also to submit written comments.