By Patty Rinehart, Santa’s little helper for North County organizations
Someone told me it’s December, so I’m putting the asking in high gear. Asking people, who are able to help others. First on the list would be the CHILD Program run through the Methodist Church in Nehalem. This is the time of year the Church organizes a giving program providing toys and clothing for children in our community. Gift tags are labeled so you know if you have a boy or girl, the child’s age, and what they want for Christmas. Each child has two tags, one with clothing, sizes, and favorite color-and the other with toys they would like. It is not necessary to get everything the child asks for-just what you think you can afford. Currently you can find these tags at the Garibaldi Bay Market, Grumpy’s in Rockaway Beach, Bayway Tavern in Nehalem, Mohler Co-Op in Mohler, Manzanita Grocery & Deli, US Bank and Columbia Bank-both located in Manzanita. If you are not able to get out to get a tag you can call Patty at 503-368-6081-leave a message-and we will get a tag to you. If you are not able to get out to shop but want to contribute you can send a check to CHILD, PO Box 156, Nehalem, Or. 97131. Be sure to write CHILD Program somewhere on the check.
Other Agencies in North Tillamook County needing a little extra help this time of year would be the North County Food Bank located in Wheeler. Please remember our Food Bank also has a clothing bank. Warm clothing, jackets, shirts, and pants are always needed for both adults and children. The clothing bank has no way to launder clothing-please bring only clean clothes. The clothes do not need to be new but do need to be wearable. The North County Food Bank is open on Tuesdays for you to bring clothing, food, and checks. The Food and Clothing Banks located across the parking lot from the Rinehart Clinic are open on Tuesdays from 11 AM-3PM.
Senior Meals are provided by two different organizations in both Rockaway Beach and Nehalem. The Rockaway Beach program is run through the kitchen located at St. Mary’s Church. This program does lunches Monday, Wednesday, and Friday throughout the year. They also do home deliveries. The address you use to support this program is Meals for Seniors, Inc., PO Box 852, Rockaway Beach, Oregon 97136. The Methodist Church in Nehalem uses their kitchen to prepare lunches for Seniors on Tuesday and Thursday-with the Thursday meal also providing an extra one for the weekend. Both programs have a minimal charge for their meals-but also do not deny anyone meals if they can’t afford them. The address you would use to support this program would be Nehalem Senior Lunches, PO Box 156, Nehalem, Oregon, 97131.
And don’t forget the Rockaway Beach Lions-what a job they do! Serving School District 56 they provide both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners to families. The Christmas meal is a little bigger as school is out and the Free Breakfast and Lunches kids get at school are not available to them. Address for this group is-Rockaway Beach Lions, PO Box 611, Rockaway Beach, Oregon 97136.
Thank you all for your generous giving at Thanksgiving. Call if you have questions, Patty at 503-368-6081-leave a message and I will get back to you.
Here is a link to the Tillamook County Giving Guide which provides profiles and listings of nearly all the organizations in Tillamook County that could use your support during the Season of Giving –