Registration is open for Spring Term classes at Tillamook Bay Community College. There are many new course options and programs to choose from such as welding technology, medical assisting, and a certificate in office supervision. Students can complete some degrees and certificates completely online or take courses on campus during the day or evening.
If you are looking to get started on your college education or to build technical skills to improve employment opportunities, now is a great time to get started. You can visit the TBCC website or contact the Student Services team to learn about options and apply and register. The TBCC Career-to-Career scholarship is also available for Spring Term. Applications can be found at on the website under the Paying for College tab. Applications are due March 15.
A schedule of credit courses and non-credit community education classes offered throughout the term, is available on the TBCC website. For those interested in auditing a course at TBCC, or applying for a Golden Age Discount, contact Student Services at 503-842-8222 ext. 1100.