Art Accelerated, local non-profit artist organization, announces upcoming events, classes and readings sure to get one’s creative juices flowing again. Thomas Merton, scholar and author, once said, “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.” Now is the time to make the best of these opportunities in our community.The always popular Adult/Child/Family Paint Event is scheduled for Saturday, April 10th from 2-4PM and will be limited to the first forty sign ups. Supplies are provided free of charge with thanks to grant funding. Supplies may be picked up from the Chamber Office in downtown Tillamook on Main Street during regular office hours. Henri Matisse’s painting of fish will be used as the inspiration for personal masterpieces.Sign up as soon as possible at If you are unable to participate in the April event, another Paint Event is scheduled online for Saturday, May 22 from 2-4PM.Spring Adult Art Classes online will be Acrylic Painting with local artist and instructor, Christine Harrison, beginning Thursdays from 6-8PM, April 1–May 13. Drawing with Christine Harrrison will also be offered online Saturdays from 10-12, April 3–May 15th. Both classes are free with purchase of an Art Accelerated membership. Sign up at artaccelerated.orgWriters’ Monthly Meet-up meets two Wednesdays each month online from 6-8PM. Contact for more information. Currently on You-Tube several local authors are reading from their own work. Enjoy hearing local artists: Ciel Downing, Sherry Green, Sally McGee and Doris Erkkila Bash on the YouTube channel with more writers to come.Artwalk continues throughout the Spring on the fourth Saturday of each month. March Artwalk is scheduled for Saturday, March 27th from 1-3PM. Roby’s Furniture at 1901 North Main Avenue as well as the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum at 2106 Second Street will be participating along with downtown businesses.
Check out the Museum’s Lucia Wiley Exhibit in the Main Gallery with Art Accelerated artists’ artwork featured in the North Gallery. Go to for updated information on other participating downtown businesses.
For more information regarding any of the events, classes, readings or Artwalks go to:, #artaccelerated or