This Volunteer STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics) Coach Training is for new and returning STEAM Coaches who want to volunteer for spring and summer programs.
Across the county, a partnership of 20 local organizations works together to provide a variety of STEAM programs to Tillamook County K-12 students. Together, this partnership offers students numerous experiential education programs, including environmental science field trips, farm-to-table school gardens, science fairs, cultural programming, research projects, professional development, and more. Each year, hundreds of students participate in these programs, which are made possible by volunteer STEAM Coaches.
In order to offer these community-enriching programs, the TC STEAM Partnership needs volunteer STEAM Coaches to fulfill a variety of roles. STEAM Coaches are people who believe all students should be able to learn about STEAM subjects through educational experiences that are hands-on and inquiry-based.
STEAM Coaches don’t need to be experts, they just need to be passionate about helping students learn! We look forward to seeing you at our next training!
Register for the Feb. 9th Coach Volunteer Training here:*76seru*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQiAq5meBhCyARIsAJrtdr5nOYDxbsCN1pETu2TyXnClDktqHavq0VZD2gE663MqEbgkWopfR_caAgoXEALw_wcB
For questions about this training or if you can not attend but would like to learn about future opportunities, please contact
This training will include an orientation session for new STEAM Coach Volunteers, a discussion group focused on past volunteer experiences for returning STEAM Coaches, a history tour of the USCG Boathouse, a catered lunch, and hands-on demonstrations of upcoming field trip activities.