I am reaching out to those of you who who reside within the NCRD district boundaries and are eligible to vote for new or incumbent board members.
Erin Laskey-Wilson is running for board position #2. I am very impressed with her positivity, that she appreciates what NCRD offers to our community, and wants to be a part of enhancing those offerings. She doesn’t want to “fix what is broken.” Because she doesn’t think anything IS broken (and neither do I!)
I like it that she has been participating in NCRD programs since she was a child. I like it that she and her husband are members of the fitness center. I like it that all three of their children attended New Discoveries Preschool, that they now benefit from the school swim program and after school sports.
I am copying and pasting her campaign statement below and you can see how positive she feels about NCRD.
I am making a case for you to join me in voting for Erin Laskey-Wilson for NCRD board position #2.
om peace namaste
lucy brook
Statement from Erin Laskey-Wilson:
“As most of you know I’m running for NCRD board position this May, and I wanted to give you all a little bit of insight on why!
First off I love what the NCRD brings to our community! It’s been such an awesome source of pro-activeness for all of us. From senior swim to Easter egg hunts, the NCRD has been a part of all our lives. I grew up learning to swim there, and taking basketball clinics in the gym. My husband and I are now members of the fitness center and our 3 children have all attended (one currently attending) New Discoveries Preschool. Now all three kids take swim lessons at the pool and participate in NCRD sponsored sports.
As a board member I would like to see our youth programs strengthened and continue to build what the NCRD already offers the community with working families in mind.
I’m also a self employed parent, and would bring a perspective to the board based in fiscal responsibility and self-motivation.
My family has lived in the Nehalem Valley for four generations now. Fun fact, my grandfather actually went to grade school in that building! Because of these deep ties I like to think I understand very well what the goals and aspirations are of the people who live here. North county has an amazing tradition of looking out for one another, and it’s what built the NCRD! If I’m elected as board member my goal will be to continue that tradition! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at elaskey86@gmail.com