I could not more strongly support Jack Bloom for the NCRD Board! I have worked with Jack over many years and have found him to be experienced, decisive, committed, inclusive and a true leader.
He has served as NCRD Board Chair during the last four years and look at all that NCRD has accomplished. I remember the day when NCRD lost its footing and almost went under. It took courageous leadership and strong community support to get to a healthy, important community asset it is
today. Jack alone did not do this, but his leadership has taken NCRD to the next level!
Frankie Knight has long been committed to our community as well! I have had the pleasure of working for him as a volunteer at our terrific Fire Department.
Frankie is skilled in outreach. I have often observed how people are really drawn to Frankie. He is a superb communicator and always a very positive presence. He has proven his leadership skill at the Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue District. He is open, transparent, and experienced. Frankie’s ability to not only connect with volunteers but the community, his open and transparent style are great indicators of leadership and success on the NCRD Board!
Vote a winning team, vote Jack Bloom and Frankie Knight!
Thank you.
Linda Kozlowski, Manzanita
Emergency Volunteer Corps of Nehalem Bay Emergency Response Director