Tillamook, OR – Tillamook Bay Community College’s (TBCC) Career-to-Career Scholarship program is accepting applications through June 17, 2020 for students entering TBCC for Summer Term. The scholarship, which provides eligible students free tuition for up to two years, is open to Tillamook County residents who have at least five years of work experience, and are looking to transition into a new career, or advance at their current job.
Applications can be found at www.tillamookbaycc.edu under Paying for College then Scholarships. Students who apply must choose one of two Career-to-Career Educational Paths:
•Career Technical Path that will lead into an Associate of Applied Science Degree in the following areas: Agricultural Technology, Business Administration, Criminal Justice and Public Safety, Healthcare Administration, Manufacturing and Industrial Technology, or Welding Technology;
•or a Transfer Degree path, which means the student will complete a transfer degree at TBCC and then continue on to a four-year degree program at a college or university.
“Our goal is not only to help students realize their career and educational goals, but to do so without the financial stress that can be associated with going back to college. Students are telling us this scholarship is making the difference for them, and we hope to see even more students apply to receive this support,” states Rhoda Hanson, Vice President of Student Services.
The Career-to-Career scholarship program began in 2017 and graduated its first set of eight graduates last year. Applications are open each term for students enrolling at the college.
Summer term registration is now open at TBCC with classes starting June 22. To see a list of courses available for Summer Term, visit www.tillamookbaycc.edu. For more information about the scholarship, please contact Rhoda Hanson, at 503-842-8222 ext. 1110 or rhodahanson@tillamookbaycc.edu.