Dear Commissioners,
Thank you, on behalf of all of the disability community and Sammy’s Place, for a hard job well done.
We look forward to exploring the possibilities and forming a working relationship with the new Housing Commission. We have seen exciting new ideas and concepts begin to pop up all over the State.
The disability community itself is finished thinking archaically about its potential and excited about the pursuit of whole life, presumed competence, and freedom of choice (supported when desired). Disability is natural and is not going away. I am hopeful our communities can begin to understand and accept this.
Thank you for your support. This was not only about a piece of land but about recognizing those who experience disability who want to be included and invited to the table as we create the future for our communities. And, it is about housing, and the desperate need we see each day that too often moves us to tears.
Sammy’s Place looks forward to all of the potential for Tillamook County. Thank you for your strong leadership.
Sammy’s Place Board of Directors
For more information, see our website