On Wednesday, June 23rd, CARTM organization board members named new officers to fill their seats. The previous board members: Michael Maginnis, Mark Beach, Jenny Greenleaf, Randy Kugler and Wendy Ryan unanimously accepted the new fiscal year’s budget and then stepped down. In the two years since Tillamook County took over operation of the Manzanita Transfer Station, CARTM, the nonprofit organization that operated the site for over 20 years, visualized new ways to serve the community and released over $30,000 in grants to other local organizations.
“After two years of deliberation,” Michael says, “the CARTM Board of Directors is giving their enthusiastic endorsement of a new direction for the organization. Jessi Just and her team have presented us with an exciting vision for the Heart of Cartm with an emphasis on creative reuse. We fully support this dynamic new board.”

The transformed organization, calling itself The Heart of Cartm, envisions operating a new physical space that would function as a picker’s paradise, a creative reuse workshop space, a learning center and a community hub. “These times are challenging us to reimagine the way a rural community can collect and use its resources. Waste products are absolutely a valuable resource,” explains Jessi.
The organization is asking the Manzanita-Nehalem-Wheeler community to help them find a new home for The Heart of Cartm. In the meantime, the organization is setting up an office and creative reuse workshop space at 395 Nehalem Blvd in Wheeler, called The Office of Reimagination, and will be open to the public this summer for community listening sessions, creative reuse workshops and sales of upcycled and re-useful items. They will NOT be accepting item donations or recyclables at The Office.
Stop by The Office of Reimagination, beginning August 1st, Friday through Monday, Noon – 6:00pm to share your stories of transformation, show your support, take a workshop or bring friends to work on projects at our craft tables. Sign up now for these workshops (and watch for more to be added):
Fashioning Fabulous Fascinators with Jessi Just (get ready for the Heart of Cartm’s GRAND OPENING – August 13th) – August 8th 1-3pm
Dude Where’s My Earring with Jena (jewelry repair extraordaire). August 13th 2-4pm August 30th 2-4 pm
Make a Fairy Garden with Jessi Just. August 21st 1-3pm
Find Your Medium: Intuitive Painting with Poppy. August 28th 4-6pm (18-21 year olds only)
Heart of Cartm has a “Wish List” of needed items, that includes volunteers.
Do you have a property or building for reuse? Do you want to volunteer in The Office? Do you want to teach your craft? Contact Jessi Just at jessi@heartofcartm.org
Heart of Cartm – Office of Reimagination
(Wheeler Treasures building) at 395 C Nehalem Boulevard, Wheeler, Oregon