Chuck Willer of the Coast Range Association presents a brief overview of the Ocean & Climate Change
Where: Bay City Arts Center When: Wednesday July 17 – 6:30PM
One year ago the Coast Range Association hosted a highly successful Climate Forum on global warming’s impact to coastal communities. OSU climate researchers and state political leaders discussed coastal threats and current responses to the climate crisis. Since then, the 4th National Climate Assessment was issued and a wave of new ocean related research has arrived. Additionally, various proposals and movements have appeared to address the warming climate.
Chuck’s presentation will review:
1. What’s new in the 4th National Climate Assessment? And, what new information on Ocean impacts is now available? Recently, leading scientists issued a global warning that nations have 12 years (now eleven) to change course or else we face possible runaway atmospheric warming. What does this mean? Chuck will provide a lay person’s explanation with a focus on sea level rise and ocean acidification and their potential impact on coastal communities.
2. In the past year dramatic new political events have occurred addressing global climate change. Nationally, 91 Senators and House members have signed on in support of a Green New Deal climate proposal. Internationally, a vibrant climate-focused youth movement has arisen. Young people are increasingly alarmed about their future prospects. What is the Green New Deal and what are the issues the youth movement demand be addressed?
3. A question and answer period after Chuck’s brief presentation will allow the public an opportunity ask questions and share views. The Coast Range Association wants to know what you believe are solutions equal to the crisis. Let’s talk.
Chuck’s presentation is free and open to the public and promises to be timely and informative for all coastal residents.