By Jerry Keene, Editor, The Oceansider
County Commissioners Erin Skaar and Mary Faith Bell selected Tillamook PUD Chair Doug Olson of Pacific City to fill out the term of retiring Commissioner David Yamamoto at their regular meeting last Wednesday (Oct
ober 18). After a detailed assessment of the strengths and skills of the six, previously announced finalists, Bell and Skaar each reduced the field to reveal their top two candidates. Skaar identified Doug Olson and Jerry Keene (your friendly editor). Bell identified Doug Olson and former county Chief of Staff Paul Levesque. Because both had rated Olson in their top two, the Commissioners agreed he should be named. Besides his position as PUD Chair, Olson currently serves as Chair of the Tillamook County Budget Committee and President of Tillamook Lightwave. Olson will join the Board once Yamamoto’s retirement is official, which is anticipated by year’s end.

ONA Emergency Team and Chief Carpenter Report Successful “ShakeOut” Drill
The Oceanside Neighborhood Association Emergency Preparedness Team and the Netarts-Oceanside Fire/Emergency Department (NOFD) reported a “very successful” collaborative effort for the Great ShakeOut (a national and local earthquake drill) on Thursday morning. “Sector captains” throughout the Village responded to the countywide cell phone alert by conducting a handheld radio roll call with a central volunteer coordinator, who in turn reported to NOFD. In an actual emergency, the volunteer network will serve as “eyes and ears” for NOFD and its emergency responders. Meanwhile, another band of volunteers were stationed on the beach from Symons Point to Oceanside Beach Wayside to await the alert. At the appointed time, they noted whether their phones actually received the alert and then walked from the beach to the Oceanside Chapel (Oceanside’s designated emergency assembly area) to simulate an evacuation. (Tellingly, not a single cell phone utilizing Verizon, Sprint or AT&T received the alert on the beach.) Chaplain Tim Mayne (also a NOFD volunteer) graciously opened the chapel for the exercise. The findings of these drills were reported to the Tillamook County Emergency Management office. Chief Carpenter and Team Leaders John Prather and Rob Hoeper thanked all of the Oceanside volunteers who participated to make the drill a success.
Cape Meares Loop Road “Ribbon Cutting” Set for November 6
County Public Works Director Chris Laity has scheduled the Cape Meares Loop Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on November 6 at 1:00 p.m. The event will be open to the public and take place at the new “Viewpoint” near the summit. Laity has yet to announce the specific date that the road will actually be opened for public use.
OAP Solicits Volunteer Project Teams
After months of workshops to compile and prioritize Oceanside community projects, the Oceanside Action Partnership is now soliciting volunteers to serve on “project teams” to research ways and means to make them a reality. The OAP Board hosted a meeting last Thursday, October 19, at the Community Hall to highlight the formatted list and distribute volunteer forms. Along with OAP Board members, several county officials, including Doug Olson (see above), showed for the meeting, which was otherwise sparsely attended. OAP President Bruce Jaeger urged the participants to spread the word about this volunteer opportunity and emphasized that Oceansiders can access a copy of the Meeting Presentation and Volunteer Form online at The OAP is a private group that continues to await IRS approval of its application for 501(c)(3) corporation.
November 6 Cape Meares Loop Ribbon-Cutting, 1 p.m.
Loop Road Viewpoint – “near the summit”
November 6 Oceanside Community Club Monthly Potluck
Oceanside Community Hall, 6 p.m.
All are welcome – bring an entree, side dish or dessert
And that’s the view from Oceanside!