CARE is excited to announce that they have entered into an agreement for a long-term land lease with the Tillamook Board of County Commissioners. This lease provides a location that will be developed to host new noand low-barrier shelter for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Tillamook County.
“Leasing this land from the county is a crucial step in bringing needed shelter options to the people of Tillamook County,” remarks Dusti Linnell, the Chair of CARE’s Board of Directors. “This land is in the ideal location next to CARE’s current offices, which will allow us to provide the support needed to empower our guests as they progress toward their goals.”
CARE has the ambitious goal of opening Phase 1 in Fall of 2023. Phase 1 will include one night-to-night shelter, four double occupancy units, and two family units. CARE also plans to build a double bathroom facility and an ADA bathroom facility. As part of this program, CARE will provide services supporting shelter guests including 24/7 peer support, a supported employment program, and case management services.
“There are a lot more steps we must follow before we can begin work on this site,” explains Nicole Vertner, Program Director of OUR Tillamook and Treasurer of CARE’s Board of Directors. “Next we will need to get land use approval from the City of Tillamook, followed by a request for bids to determine a contractor for land preparation. We look forward to this process and we are excited to be sharing information with the community
about this every step of the way.”

CARE is Tillamook County’s local Community Action Agency affiliate, providing homeless, housing, and earlychildhood support services to partner with individuals and families in our community as they progress along the housing continuum. The lot they are leasing from the County is located west of CARE’s offices at 2310 1st Street in downtown Tillamook, OR.
CARE is a 501c3, nonprofit organization and has been serving Tillamook County since 1991. The mission of CARE is to foster changes that create healthier, more resilient communities throughout Tillamook County, and empower people as they work to meet their immediate, basic needs. To learn more about CARE, visit their website at and like them on Facebook @TillamookCARE.