Risk Level:
“Warning Week” data reported earlier this week had showed Tillamook County nearing “High Risk,” however, looking at the cases in Tillamook County from Sunday 3/21 – Thursday April 1st, which is part of the two-week evaluation period that OHA uses to determine our risk status, we have had 57 cases. The evaluation period will go through Saturday 4/3/21. With this many cases, Tillamook County may actually increase to Extreme Risk on Friday 04/09/21 instead of High Risk as any county with 60 or greater cases fall into the Extreme Risk category. More information will be available on Tuesday 04/06/21.
This is worrisome news as we know many have been working hard to keep our communities safe and business open. Please use caution, wear a mask, and keep 6 ft of distance when gathering with people outside of your household and limit the gatherings to no more than 8 people with maximum 2 different households. Wash your hands frequently. Stay home if ill and seek COVID-19 testing by calling
Weekly Data (Friday March 26th – Thursday April 1st , 2021):
- 37 new confirmed cases (34 positive + 3 presumptive)
- 50+ cases being monitored.
- 1 currently hospitalized -out of the area
- 0 COVID-19 related deaths (this week)
- 5.8% avg. test positivity rate
Accumulative Data:
- 532 total cases
- 13,112 negative tests (OHA)
- 24 hospitalized
- 2 COVID-19 related deaths
745 primary (1st) doses + 425 boosters (2nd dose) this week.
Total amounts:
- 7,620 people received at least 1 dose vaccinated; 29% of Tillamook County residents,
- 3,629 fully vaccinated (done with 2-dose series); 15% of Tillamook County residents.
- 3,906 in progress (scheduled for 2nd)
Tillamook County vaccine partners continue to hold vaccine clinics weekly, vaccinating approx. 700 eligible resident each week.
On Monday March 29th, the online scheduling tool launched without any issues. Many users reported how easy the system was and how pleased they were with it. So far over 800 eligible Tillamook County residents have booked and appointment and there are still plenty of appointments online! Tillamook County vaccine providers are keeping a close eye on the appointments and are able to add more as vaccine supply increases. A reminder you must CURRENTLY be eligible to book an appointment, a part of the registration asks this question. If you answer no, you will not be able to proceed and must check back on or after your eligible date set forth by Oregon Health Authority.
Tillamook County community health center vaccine line is available to answer questions and assist those with limited or no internet access to book an appointment. The vaccine line can be reached by calling: 503-842-3914. Staffed Monday- Friday 8am -5pm with bilingual (English and Spanish) staff.
Group 7 of Phase 1B will be eligible on April 5th and may book an appointment online on or after April 5th using the scheduling tool.
COVID-19 is a highly infectious illness that spreads like the flu. Local and state health officials continue to urge all Oregonians to take steps to protect those who are most vulnerable to complications from COVID-19. Those considered “high risk” include adults 60 and older, or anyone with a serious health condition, including lung or heart problems, kidney disease, or diabetes, or anyone who has a suppressed immune system.
To help control the spread of the illness the public is urged to stay home as much as possible and avoid gatherings.
We ask all county residents to continue to take the necessary precautions and follow current public health guidance to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus:
- Follow guidance on face coverings.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Keep 6 ft of distance from those not in your immediate household.
- Stay home if you feel ill.

About Tillamook County Community Health Centers:
TCCHC has been a Federally Qualified Health Center since 1994, providing medical, dental, behavioral and public health services.
Follow our Facebook @TillamookCHC for daily updates.
Additional Resources:
Oregon Health Authority COVID-19 Information: http://healthoregon.org/coronavirus
CDC COVID-19 Information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html