Tillamook County with a 57.9% vaccination rate of those eligible will remain at Moderate Risk; only 7.1% to reach the new vaccination goal set by the state.
Following the Governor’s Office announcement this afternoon, the statewide goal for those receiving at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose is 70% of those eligible for the vaccine (16 years and older) and 65% in a given county.
Once a county meets the county goal, the county will remain in the lowest risk level with the possibility to move starting as early as next Friday May 21, 2021. When the statewide goal is met, the COVID-19 risk level assignments will be removed. The Governor’s Office predicts Oregon meeting the statewide goal by the end of June 2021.
Good news, cases are slowing in Tillamook County, with 41 new confirmed and presumptive cases from Sunday 4/28/21 – Saturday 5/08/21, Tillamook County remains at Moderate Risk until May 20 and we are already have 57.9% of those age eligible in the county vaccinated with at least one dose.
We need just 7.1% more to reach the goal! Vaccines bookings have slowed, talk with trusted sources in your life such as your health care provider or pharmacist. If you have questions or concerns we are also here to help. Please make a plan to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. We need your help to make Tillamook County safer. Please make a plan to get vaccinated as soon as possible. All vaccine types are available, schedule here: http://tillamook.bookappt.link/vaccine
Statewide data will be based on the CDC’s tracking to better encompass federal vaccine providers and tribes: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations
County data will be based on OHA’s data which uses the vaccine tracking system (ALERT) in Oregon: https://public.tableau.com/profile/oregon.health.authority.covid.19#!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19VaccinationTrends/OregonStatewideVaccinationTrends
About Tillamook County Community Health Centers:
TCCHC has been a Federally Qualified Health Center since 1994, providing medical, dental, behavioral and public health services.
Follow our Facebook @TillamookCHC for daily updates.
Additional Resources:
Oregon Health Authority COVID-19 Information: http://healthoregon.org/coronavirus
CDC COVID-19 Information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html