TILLAMOOK, Ore. — Tillamook County Public Health was notified that Tillamook County will move to the “Moderate Risk” effective April 30 to May 6, 2021.
As calculated by Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Tillamook County had 35 new confirmed positive and presumptive COVID-19 cases and an average test positivity rate of 5.8% from Sunday 04/11/2021 – Saturday 04/24/2021, which met disease metrics to move to “Moderate Risk.” This is down from 49 cases during the previous period.
Due to hospital census exceeding 300 and the upward trend in hospitalization, counties will be monitored closely over the next several week and risk level movement will occur at the following scheduling:
• Tuesday, April 27th – Movement data released; move effective Friday, April 30.
• Tuesday, May 4th – Movement data released; move effective Friday, May 7.
• Tuesday, May 11th – Movement data released; move effective Friday, May 14.
In the “Moderate Risk” category, businesses may operate with reduced hours and capacity limits at 50%, remote office work is recommended if possible.
From the Tillamook Chamber, from a business perspective, that means:
- Restaurants can raise capacity to 50% or 100 people. That’s double what it was while the county was in High Risk.
- Indoor recreation and fitness establishments can move up to 50% capacity or 100 people.
- Indoor entertainment establishments can move up to 50% capacity or 100 people.
- Retail stores can now have 75% occupancy, up from 50% in High Risk.
Social gatherings indoors increase to 8 people with no more than 2 households recommended and 10 people outdoors.
Fifteen counties qualified for “Extreme Risk” in this upcoming movement period. While Tillamook County decreased risk level, we must all continue to work together and practice COVID-19 safety precautions:
• Wear a mask properly (over mouth and nose),
• Keep 6ft of distance from those not in your immediate household,
• Wash your hands frequently,
• Make a plan to get a COVID-19 vaccine appointment as soon as possible.
These tools remain as the most important things we can do to keep ourselves and our community safe. All those aged 16 years old and older who would like a COVID-19 vaccine may now schedule for one. Visit our website: tillamookchc.org. to access the scheduling tool.
See the full guidance here https://coronavirus.oregon.gov/Pages/guidance.aspx.