TILLAMOOK, Ore. — Tillamook County Public Health was notified that Tillamook County will move from the “Extreme Risk” category to “Lower Risk” effective this Friday 1/29/21. As calculated by Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Tillamook County had 28 new confirmed positive and presumptive COVID-19 cases from Sunday 1/10/21 – Saturday 1/23/2021.
The Risk and Protection framework that the state of Oregon is operating under allows for counties to function safely based on the amount of disease spread measured in a 2-week period for that county. This framework allows for the counties to change to the appropriate risk level every two-weeks using predetermined COVID-19 disease metrics – the following is for a medium sized county (i.e., Tillamook County):
• Lower Risk: > 30 new cases in a 2-week period
• Medium Risk: 31 – 44 new cases in a 2-week period
• High Risk: 45 – 59 new cases in a 2-week period
• Extreme Risk: 60 + new cases in a 2-week period
In the “Lower Risk” category, all businesses may open and operate under limited capacity. Social gathering size will increase from 6 to 12. See more on what is allowed in the “Lower Risk” category here: https://coronavirus.oregon.gov/Pages/guidance.aspx
While this is positive news, we ask you to not let your guard down. Continue to take COVID-19 safety precautions: wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, watch your distance (6ft), stay home if ill, seek COVID-19 testing and answer the call from public health contact tracers.
If cases increase again over the next two weeks, Tillamook County would be at risk of moving back up in risk level effective 02/12/2021.
COVID-19 is a highly infectious illness that spreads like the flu. Local and state health officials continue to urge all Oregonians to take steps to protect those who are most vulnerable to complications from COVID-19. Those considered “high risk” include adults 60 and older, or anyone with a serious health condition, including lung or heart problems, kidney disease, or diabetes, or anyone who has a suppressed immune system.
To help control the spread of the illness the public is urged to stay home as much as possible and avoid gatherings.
We ask all county residents to continue to take the necessary precautions and follow current public health gudiance to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus:
- Follow guidance on face coverings.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Keep 6 ft of distance from those not in your immediate household.
- Stay home if you feel ill.

About Tillamook County Community Health Centers:
TCCHC has been a Federally Qualified Health Center since 1994, providing medical, dental, behavioral and public health services.
Follow our Facebook @TillamookCHC for daily updates.
Additional Resources:
Oregon Health Authority COVID-19 Information: http://healthoregon.org/coronavirus
CDC COVID-19 Information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html