Tillamook County Community Health Centers – We hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend! Our office will be closed Monday July 5th in observation of the holiday.
🔔With Oregon’s Risk Level framework, including all health and safety restrictions removed for most settings, we encourage you to practice COVID-19 safety precautions (mask wearing, physical distancing and frequent hand washing) if you are gathering with those who have a medical condition that may place them at higher risk, those who are not yet vaccinated and when in crowded areas.
COVID-19 Cases, Risk Level and Guidance Updates: On June 30th, 2021, Oregon’s Risk Level framework, including all health and safety restrictions; mask, physical distancing, and capacity limit requirements lifted for most settings. There are some federal exceptions, such as for hospitals, health care clinics, correctional facilities, long-term care facilities and public transportation.
☀️ If possible choose to have gatherings outdoors rather than indoors. With the warmer weather we have experienced, practice warm weather precautions such as drinking plenty of water, wearing sunscreen, and avoiding strenuous activities during the warmest part of the day (2pm – 4pm).
🩺 Tillamook County has had a slight increase in cases, with 10 recorded from June 22nd – June 28th after two weeks of no cases. Since the beginning of pandemic, (March 2020) in Tillamook County there has been 669 cases, 4 deaths and 30 hospitalizations. If you are feeling ill, stay home and if you need COVID-19 testing, it is available to you at no cost. Appointments are needed for testing call: 503-842-3900.This is a reminder that COVID-19 while less prevalent than before, is still impacting our community. It is important, especially during this holiday weekend if you are gathering with those who are vulnerable or not yet vaccinated to consider practicing COVID-19 safety precautions including mask wearing, physical distancing and frequent handwashing. Try to avoid crowded areas if possible and choose to have gatherings outdoors rather than indoors. With the warmer weather we have experienced, practice warm weather precautions such as drinking plenty of water, wearing sunscreen, and avoiding strenuous activities and work during the warmest part of the day (2pm – 4pm).
🩹 As of Monday June 28th, 69.4% of Oregonians have been vaccinated with at least one dose and 64.85% of Tillamook County residents have. COVID-19 vaccines remain the best tool for protecting yourself against COVID-19 and slowing the spread. COVID-19 vaccines are available at routine health care visits across the county, including visits at our office and at your local pharmacy. For the month of July, new vaccines appointments will be available at the Tillamook County Community Health Center 8th Street Annex, with Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson offered on Tuesdays and Moderna and Johnson and Johnson clinics will be held on Thursdays. Pfizer is authorized for those 12 and older. Moderna and Johnson and Johnson for those 18 years old and older. Call 503-842-3914 to schedule.
Not able to make it on a Tuesday or Thursday? COVID-19 vaccines are available at routine health care visits across the county, including visits at our office and at your local pharmacy.
📞 June 27th was the last day to get your vaccine to be entered into the Oregon COVID-19 Vaccine prize drawing. Data from the Oregon vaccine tracking system (ALERT) will be used for the prize drawing. Oregon Health Authority has started making phone calls to notify the prize winners. The phone call will be from a 503 or 971 number from an Oregon Health Authority representative. They will verify vaccine status but will not ask for any financial information, if a caller is asking for financial information, hang-up, this is a scam!
Questions or concerns? We are here for you, visit our website tillamookchc.org for additional resources and call the COVID-19 vaccine information line Monday – Friday, 8am -5pm (English and Spanish): 503-842-3914.