”Lower Risk” 05/27/21 – 06/10/21 (Next movement date: 06/11/21)
2 new cases
62.5% of Tillamook County residents eligible for vaccine vaccinated w/ at least one dose.
COVID-19 vaccines available at Tillamook health center on Tuesdays (Pfizer and J&J) or Thursdays (Moderna and J&J) for the month of June, call 503-842-3914 or email tcchc@co.tillamook.or.us for scheduling.
Don’t miss your shot before the first day of Summer and your chance at entering the Oregon vaccine lottery (must receive first dose by June 27th to be entered into lottery to win $1 million or $10,000)! Drop in to our summer vaccine kick off clinic. All 3 vaccines available. No appointments needed. Hours 10am – 4pm, Saturday June 19th at the Tillamook County Fairground.

COVID/Vaccine news – from Gordon McCraw, Tillamook County Emergency Manager & COVID-19 Incident Commander
It looks like Oregon stands at 62.7% of 16 and over who have received at least one dose of the vaccine. When the state hits 70% the Governor said she would end the Risk Levels. When the county reaches 65%, we would remain at Low Risk. We currently stand at 62.3%. Fortunately, the number of Tillamook County positive cases has decreased in the past weeks, which has allowed us to be at, and remain in the Low Risk Category anyway.
Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson clinics will be held each Tuesday from 8:30am thru 11:30am for all of June.
Moderna and Johnson and Johnson clinics will be held on Thursdays from 8:30am thru 11:30am for the month of June.
(Note: Moderna and Johnson and Johnson are for those individuals 18 and older)
Don’t forget, the Governor announced recently the
#TakeYourShotOR campaign. Oregonians 18 and over will have a chance to win $1 million dollars, or one of the $10,000 prizes, one for each county. Oregonians, age 12-17, have a chance of winning one of five $100,000 Oregon College Savings Plan scholarships. All Oregonians who have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by the draw date of June 27th will be entered to win!
I have been asked by several people that leave Oregon over the winter months, and had gotten their vaccine in another state, if they are eligible for the money mentioned above. The answer is, it depends on what address/state you provided when you received the vaccine. If you gave an address outside Oregon, then you are not eligible and there is no way to change your address in the system now.
See vaccine rate data here: https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/oregon.health.authority.covid.19/viz/OregonVaccineMetricsGovernorsGoal/GovernorsGoal