“Warning Week” data indicates Tillamook County may remain in the “Moderate Risk” category, but there is potential to move to the “High Risk” category effective 3/26/2021 – 04/08/2021. As calculated by Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Tillamook County had 40 new confirmed positive and presumptive COVID-19 cases from Sunday 02/28/2021 – Saturday 03/13/2021. If cases rise above 45 we would be at risk of moving to the “High Risk” category, and if cases are greater than 60 we would move to the “Extreme Risk “category effective 03/26/2021. Final data count and risk status will be announced 03/23/2021.
Tillamook County’s case counts continue to increase, and it’s important to continue to stay safe by wearing a mask, watching your distance and washing your hands, even if you are vaccinated.
See current data here: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/covid19/Documents/DataReports/Weekly-County-Metrics.pdf