52 new cases occurred in the past two weeks (7/18/21 – 07/31/21) and a test positivity rate of 8.1%.
- Based on case investigation, it is estimated that in Tillamook County, there have been 9 cases where fully vaccinated residents tested positive for COVID-19 since June 2021 (approx. 100 cases in total have occurred since mid-June 2021 to now).
- Two new workplace outbreaks have been recorded for Tillamook County in the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Weekly Outbreak Report. This report shows Tillamook Youth Correctional Facility and Tillamook County Creamery Association (TCCA) both with 6 cases and an outbreak onset date of 7/28/2021. The outbreak report is updated weekly sharing information about outbreaks in congregate living settings, workplaces, child care, and K-12 schools. OHA defines outbreaks as at least two cases in separate households but discloses workplaces with five or more cases because this provides evidence that there is transmission among this group of workers, rather than sporadic community transmission.
March 2020 – August 05, 2021 Tillamook County COVID-19 Count:
- 815 confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases
- 5 deaths
- 31 hospitalizations.
DELTA VARIANT: July 31, 2021 – 260 cases have been tracked in Oregon; 20 of the cases are located in region one (Clackamas, Clatsop, Multnomah, Tillamook, and Washington counties). Oregon Health Authority reports that the Delta variant is roughly three times more transmissible that earlier strains of the virus. Oregon has sequenced 5.1% of all specimens and ranks 8th in the nation for sequencing. The Delta variant now accounts for over 85% of sequenced cases in Oregon. County level data remains unavailable for variant tracking at this time.
- To learn more about the Delta variant — including what defines a variant and information on breakthrough cases — visit the OHA blog: covidblog.oregon.gov/updates-on-the-delta-variant/
- Oregon Health Authority (OHA) in alignment with the CDC is recommending that all (including fully vaccinated persons), wear a face covering or mask in public indoor settings. This recommendation applies statewide. While people who are vaccinated with currently available COVID-19 vaccines are protected (less likely to have symptoms/be sick but can still pass the virus) from COVID-19 and the circulating variants, (including delta), face covering and mask helps protect others who may be at higher risk for COVID-19 and those who are not yet vaccinated including children under 12. Read more from OHA: https://sharedsystems.dhsoha.state.or.us/DHSForms/Served/le2288k_R.pdf
- COVID-19 Testing: COVID-19 testing remains available at our health center for no cost with same day appointment options for those who are sick and those needing testing for work/travel. We have both the rapid test (results in 15 minutes) and the PCR (goes out to a lab for processing, results in 3-4 days). Both tests are nasal swabs where the swab goes into to the front part of the nostril only, not further up in the nose. The test takes second to complete. Your healthcare provider will discuss with you the recommended test type. Appointments are needed, call: 503-842-3900.
VACCINATIONS: To date, 14,806 Tillamook County residents have chosen to be vaccinated.
- All the current, best science tells us that all 3 vaccines protect you against severe COVID-19 illness, hospitalization and death, even if you are exposed to any of the current variants of concern (including the Delta variant).
- If you have not done so yet, make a plan to get vaccinated as soon as you can. All those 12 years and older are eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 vaccines are available at no cost. Health insurance and immigration status information is not needed. Contact your local healthcare provider, drop into a pharmacy, or stop by our office for a vaccine.

This report can be viewed with links to data sources online at tillamookchc.org