By Gordon McCraw, Tillamook County Emergency Manager
Monday, January 10, 2022, noon
A nice weekend after a way to much rain at the end of last week. Believe it or not there is still one river in the NWS Forecast Area in Flood Stage, which nearly hit Major Flood Stage Saturday. The Chehalis River in Washington is still in Minor Flood Stage today and will not fall below until later tonight. Thankfully, though the Nehalem did get the highest, all of our rivers stayed below Moderate and Major Flood Levels.
This morning we had a system go thru that gave us some light, occasional moderate rain, now we will just see some brief periods of light spotty rain thru this evening when the chance starts to increase with another warm front approaching from the southwest. Winds today easterly 5-10, the high near 51, the rain is likely later tonight with the front, and persists through tomorrow, winds tonight still easterly 5-10, the low only drops to near 49.
So, a rainy day tomorrow, winds southerly 5-10, highs near 54, still rainy tomorrow night, light winds, lows near 48. The models are showing Wednesday to be a little better than before. It looks like some spotty rain around Wednesday though a couple of the models do bring in the next system and its associated rain, we don’t want to buy off on that just yet. We go with cloudy with about a 50% chance of rain Wednesday, highs near 56, lows near 45.
Later Wednesday into Thursday we do see a tough of low pressure moving in that increases the rain chance into Thursday morning. By Friday the models show another ridge of high pressure building that will help dry things out thru Saturday, still with some clouds around, with highs near 52, lows near 39. We could have a slight chance of showers by Sunday.
Finally, no report for tomorrow, I will be on the road, coming up for visit to Tillamook for a meet-and-greet with some folks. I won’t be on the morning Community Call either as I will be driving. See all yall Wednesday! Don’t forget to say HI if you see me around town tomorrow…