(Salem, Ore. – March 5, 2024) – The Oregon Dairy Women are proud to introduce the 2024-2025 Oregon Dairy Princess Ambassadors. Mackenzie Mitchell, representing Tillamook County was crowned the 2024-2025 Oregon Dairy Princess Ambassador and Rebecca Noordam, representing Marion County was crowned Alternate Oregon Dairy Princess Ambassador during a ceremony Tuesday March 5, 2024.
Mitchell, 22, is a 2020 graduate of Tillamook High School and is completing her sophomore year at Tillamook Bay Community College, where she is studying political science. Mitchell grew up watching her father work closely with local dairy farmers to convert byproducts of dairy cattle to renewable energy. She was active in FFA and exhibited dairy heifers at the Tillamook County Fair. Mitchell aspires to become an agricultural lawyer after completing her education.
Noordam, 19, is a 2023 graduate of Silverton High School and she is studying Agriculture Science and Business at Corban University in Salem. Noordam grew up on a dairy and works on the dairy feeding calves. While in high school, Noordam competed at the National FFA Convention in the Milk Quality and Products Contest, where her team received a silver award.

Both young women look forward to a busy year informing and educating the public about the dairy industry. They will spend the next twelve months traveling statewide attending fairs, town meetings and public events as a representative of Oregon’s dairy farmers. Much of their reign will be spent in Oregon schools delivering educational presentations about life on a dairy farm and the nutritional benefits of consuming dairy products.
Upon being crowned, both women received scholarships to continue their education. Outgoing Oregon Dairy Princess Ambassador Clancey Krahn received $14,000 and outgoing Alternate Clara Blaser received over $6,000 for their year dedicated to the Oregon dairy industry, informing over 10,000 students of the benefits of dairy products and life on a dairy farm in schools and community events.
The other state finalists include Maddie Shade of Coos County, Hanna Krahmer of Linn and Benton Counties, Tracy Magill of Wasco County, Katie Raines of Washington County and Joy Foster of Yamhill and Polk Counties. Foster was awarded the 2024 Congeniality Award.
Oregon Dairy Women (ODW) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization with the main objective to promote the dairy industry. The ODW mission is to promote greater use of all dairy products through outreach and educational programs.
Since 1959, the Oregon Dairy Women’s Dairy Princess Ambassador Program has served as the premier advocate for the Oregon Dairy Industry in collaboration with the Oregon Dairy Farmers Association and the Oregon Dairy Council. The ODW award scholarships and provides financial support to 4-H and FFA programs, Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom, Oregon Ag Fest, Summer Ag Institute, Adopt-a-Farmer and judging teams.