From Gordon McCraw, Tillamook County Emergency Management Director
As of noon yesterday, March 15th, Oregon has had 39 test results come back positive for Persons Being Investigated and have 182 cases still pending. Persons currently being Monitored who may have been exposed to COVID-19 is 355; 366 have been cleared without developing symptoms.
Just to help understand the process, we have and continue to have persons tested. This does not mean they have COVID-19, remember, the seasonal flu was hitting pretty hard before this started and the symptoms are similar. Once tested the sample is sent off to be analyzed and it takes about 3 days to get the results. During that time, the person is asked to self quarantine until the results come back. So far, all samples have come back negative for COVID-19 for Tillamook County. Tillamook Health Department will be the first to get the call in a positive result and I just left a meeting with them so there are still NO positives for Tillamook County. If you have the flu, it is best to self quarantine then also to prevent that from spreading as well.