On Friday, September 13, 2024, 50 people representing over 30 local organizatons in Tillamook County including nonprofits, local government, public safety responders, and
community volunteers gathered to share their efforts for making our community safer and healthier during disasters and emergencies.
This event was planned and hosted by the Tillamook County Community Health Centers (TCCHC), Tillamook OSU Extension Service and Tillamook County Emergency Management.
“September is National Emergency Preparedness month, and the day-long summit brought community organizations and local volunteers together who want to be more involved in helping the community during a disaster, “said Tillamook County Commissioner Mary Faith Bell.
She continued, “The result was an amazing and productive day of learning more about emergencies that can affect us here and what each other’s roles are so we can communicate and collaborate more effectively in helping Tillamook County weather them as safely as possible.”

This summit continues the efforts of many local organizations to develop more coordinaton and communication during emergencies. Tillamook County Community Health Centers hopes to facilitate more opportunities like this in the future.
Tillamook County is susceptible to and affected by multiple disasters every year, and while this type of emergency response planning summit is important, it is also critical that individuals and families be ready and able to support themselves in the event of an emergency.
“We highly encourage you to prepare yourself and your family for natural disasters like wildfires, floods, drought, heat waves, freezes, or earthquakes,” said Marlene Putman, Administrator of the Tillamook County Community Health Centers and Director of the Tillamook County Health and Human Services Department. “Preparing for emergencies and disasters can help keep you, your family and our community safe and healthy.”
GREAT SHAKE OUT – Tillamook County Tsunami Evacuation Drill – Oct. 17 @ 10:17 am – Here’s your opportunity to practice your evacuation route. Tillamook County takes the Great Shake out to another level with a county-wide call to practice what you would do during a major earthquake and tsunami. Residents are encouraged to grab their go bags and walk to their evacation locations. Watch for more information about the Tillamook County Great Shake Out Evacuation Drill.
For helpful information on emergency preparedness, including how to prepare a kit and access to a quick and easy “Family Emergency Plan” fillable form, visit www.ready.gov.
For more information about Tillamook County Community Health Centers, please visit our website at www.tillamookchc.org or find us on Facebook at TillamookCHC.